English is obviously not my native language, which makes my own understanding of everything doable but a bit of a challenge. If it doesn't then it is similar, but not the same.

If so, why not put in a copyright infringement against them on YouTube so they have a problem putting their work out there? I would find it highly suspicious if 40 seconds of audio matched note for note. It is likely they are trying it on to see if you will back down or pay up. That would be a clincher if you published first. You never mentioned verified publishing date. that’s still free money doing absolutely nothing. Even if it’s a few cents per video, 1000s of videos a day. And since YouTube does not audit that end of the spectrum beyond a simple automated system to verify your not uploading something that already claimed, they usually get to troll the living hell out of it and fill it with tons of traps and make a lot of money off of it. What a lot of (crap) studios do is they basically create traps, copyright claiming any tones and audio snippets they can to the autoMated system flags as many people as possible without hitting actual copyrighted music. they aren’t likely because that can jeopardize their exploit and get them found out if you complain loud enough for them to check into it.

If you are worried if they are going to fight back at you and give you a strike. They aren’t really claiming you, they freeloading you and other creators and making money exploiting the system. usually they don’t respond to disputes, they feed off of the pending 30 days even if it’s partial $ and they feed off the fact that it traps 1000s of videos a day and many won’t dispute it.

They feed off of other people’s monetization. Copyright trolls that hide in YouTube copyright algo.